Winter Alchemy: A 21-Day Journey Feedback Form First Name: Last Name: Email Address: How would you rate your overall experience with the program? Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent How likely are you to recommend this program to others? Not Likely Somewhat Unlikely Neutral Somewhat Likely Very Likely How effective were the daily prompts at helping you uncover insights, aha moments, guidance, and inspiration during the program? Not Effective Slightly Effective Moderately Effective Very Effective Extremely Effective How clear and actionable was the goal-setting portion of the program? Not Clear Somewhat Unclear Neutral Somewhat Clear Very Clear What changes have you observed since your 21-day journey began? Did you meet or move closer to your goal? What helped or impeded your progress? What aspect of the program did you find most valuable or impactful, and why? Do you have any suggestions or feedback on how we can improve future programs? Submit Feedback